Adolf Berman was born in Warsaw. A member of the left wing Poale Zion movement, he also directed the organisation for children for the Centos. His work was greatly appreciated by the Ghetto's population. He quickly went on to become an activist in the Resistance, and co-publisher of “Der Ruf”, the antifascist Bloc's newspaper. On 5 September 1942, he went over to the “Aryan” sector of Warsaw and named delegate of the Jewish National Congress to the Delegatura, the Executive Committee of the Polish Resistance. After taking part in the Polish Warsaw Uprising in August 1944, he entered the Jewish Coordination Committee and active in Zegota, the organization for saving Jews -along with Yitzhak Zuckerman, Leon Feiner and David Guzick- when Poland was liberated, and then became a minister in the Polish Government. He made his Alya in 1950. Adolf Berman's personal archives are now deposited in Kibbutz Lohamei Haghetaot .